Hot isostatic pressing (HIP) of refractory compounds, refractory metals and other specialty ceramics and alloys is a core specialty at Exothermics
Our success with HIP-based processing of advanced materials has led to the development of unique expertise in design, fabrication and processing of exceptionally leak-tight HIP containers made from refractory metals, as well as other suitable metallic materials. Our HIP can design and fabrication capabilities include:
- Cylindrical, rectangular and other axisymmetric HIP containers up to 36”x60” size
- Complete facilities for controlled heating and hard offgassing (< 5×10-7 Torr), helium leak checking (< 5×10-9 sccm), and positive closure of HIP containers
- Extensive, demonstrated performance history with design and fabrication of HIP containers capable of surviving > 2000°C densification processing
- Inert gas glovebox with inboard and outboard oxygen monitoring to <1ppm O2
- Complete sheet metal forming infrastructure capable for processing any suitable HIP container material up to 36” width and 0.060” thickness
- SolidWorks design software for engineering of HIP containers

“I have worked with Exothermics and have known Steve for over 15 years. He was trained as a metallurgist, but has considerably broadened his knowledge to encompass additional spheres of materials including ceramics, ceramic composites, carbon-carbon composites, and associated coatings. He is one of the smartest materials scientists I have had the pleasure of knowing – he is always learning, digs into the literature of the past, and is creative in developing new materials and fabrication approaches.”